Q-Tin Loading

Nirmatech is an abbreviation of Nirmala Technology which operates in the technology sector, we adopted the name Nirmala from Sanskrit which means clean; pure, which will later become a prayer in running the Nirmatech company itself, clean and holy, which means it is kept away from all problems and evil that hinder it.

Becoming a leading partner in developing information technology for campus environments and MSMEs, providing innovative and trusted website solutions that encourage growth and progress.


The UPN "Veteran" Jakarta canteen was visited by more than 1 faculty and this caused congestion in the canteen. Overcrowding does not only occur due to insufficient table capacity, but also when students choose and order menus at various canteen stands which results in excessive queues.

With all these problems, Nirmatech is here to provide a solution for the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta canteen to reduce the density of buyers when looking at the menu. Nirmatech created the Q-Tin program for this problem. Q-Tin is an abbreviation of QR Kantin which is a website for viewing all the menus in the canteen just by using a mobile device without having to go to each canteen's stand. When accessing the Q-Tin website, a barcode is provided at each table.